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Best Macaron Macaronage technique


by Anthony · Updated Jan 05, 2025 · 6 min read

We like to share easy tips that help you make macarons. This video is about the Macarons Mixing step.

A very crucial moment. Learn how to master this technique in less than a minute.

If you need more tips, you should join us on the monthly virtual macarons class. We share all our secret tips for best results.

Macaronage secret tips

  1. Add sugar and almond flour
  2. Mix delicately
  3. Add other half of ingredients
  4. Stop mixing when you can draw an "8"

Macaronage (or "Macronage") is a french term that means the action of mixing the batter a certain way.

Be delicate, and mix it continuously until you get the texture shown in the video. Note that the correct word is "Macaronage" and not "Macronage".

To do a great Macaronage, you need to have a great French Meringue. Follow this step by step and you'll be able to make it at home easily :)

This step by step requires you to have followed the previous steps. Make sure to read our previous videos first.

  1. Add half measures of your powder sugar and almond flour mix. 
  2. Mix delicately your batter and avoid pouring your almond and sugar out of the bowl. You want to take the meringue from the bottom and smoothly bring it up. Do it multiple time until you have that texture
  3. Then, add the other half of your making kit ingredients mix. Start mixing like the previous step. By the way, congratulations you are now at the Macaronage Step.
  4. Stoping mixing at the right time is the key to have a great texture. On the video, you can see that the batter is glossy. When you can draw an "8" figure with your spatula, you're good to go. The texture you get strongly depends on the temperature in your room, and humidity. Remember that humid environment is not the best for macarons, because your batter will not dry correctly.

Need more tips? Join us in the monthly Virtual Macaron Class! It's for baker at every level. No tool needed, and the Zoom class is available Worldwide. Limited to 30 participants every month. Don't wait too long!


  • Diane

    Why are some macrons dull and others are glossy.
    How do I achieve a glossy look Thank you

  • Anthony - French chef

    @Cora sadly it is sold out! But we should have a new macaron class soon. Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get the news to your inbox :)

  • Cora

    Hoping you’ll have the Kit available soon…?

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